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How Long Can You Take Nexium Otc

How Long Can You Take Nexium Otc

Nexium, besides known by its generic name esomeprazole, is one of the about widely prescribed drugs for stomach-acid-related conditions in the The states. Americans may know the drug past its nickname, "The Purple Pill."

Nexium comes in several versions. It premiered every bit a prescription drug in 1989. Over-the-counter (OTC), generic and store brands followed.

Prescription Nexium
This type of Nexium is simply available by prescription and is used to treat more than serious acid-related disorders. AstraZeneca manufactures it.

Generic Nexium
Generic Nexium is known as esomeprazole and several companies manufacture information technology. It comes in prescription and over-the-counter formulas.

OTC Nexium 24HR
The FDA canonical OTC Nexium 24HR to treat frequent heartburn. It's bachelor without a prescription and Pfizer manufactures it.

Shop Make Nexium 24HR
This over-the-counter esomeprazole formula features packaging for the retail outlets that sell it, for example, Walmart or Walgreens. It is the generic form of Nexium 24HR.

Nexium 24hr tablet

Nexium 24HR tablet.

Prevacid and Protonix are two other related drugs in the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) class. These drugs all work similarly to control stomach acid. Esomeprazole, Nexium's generic proper name and agile ingredient, is about chemically identical to omeprazole, the active ingredient in Prilosec.

AstraZeneca manufactures prescription versions of both Nexium and Prilosec. Some studies show that esomeprazole is more than constructive at reducing tum acid than omeprazole.

What Is Nexium Used to Treat?

Doctors prescribe Nexium to treat serious breadbasket acid-related weather condition in adults and children one yr of age and older.

Prescription Nexium may too permit the esophagus to heal in adults with serious GERD, prevent tum ulcers in people who take NSAIDs or treat and forestall stomach ulcers acquired past bacteria.

People with frequent heartburn (two or more days a calendar week) may not demand prescription strength esomeprazole and tin use OTC Nexium, but it may take one to 4 days to piece of work effectively.

Information technology isn't a treatment for sudden heartburn, only it volition control acrid for up to 24 hours when taken regularly.

How Should I Take Nexium?

Prescription Nexium is available in delayed release capsules or oral interruption. Most people take prescription esomeprazole once a day at to the lowest degree one 60 minutes before eating. But if yous have a severe condition, your medical provider may recommend you take information technology twice a day.

Make sure to follow your medical provider'due south recommendations. Take the capsules whole and don't crush or dissever them. People who cannot eat the capsule tin can mix the contents of one capsule into a tablespoon of applesauce. Brand certain to consume all of the mixture immediately.


If a person overdoses and is unconscious, has seizures or has problem animate, call 911 correct away. In case of a suspected overdose, call the poison helpline at 1-800-222-1222 or visit https://world wide

People taking esomeprazole granules for oral intermission need to mix it with h2o. Use 1 teaspoon of water if you are using the ii.5- or 5-mg packet and one tablespoon of water if you are using the x-, 20- or forty-mg packet.

Mix the package with the water, let ii to three minutes for the mixture to thicken and stir again. Consume all of the mixture inside xxx minutes. Nexium may besides be administered through an orogastric or nasogastric tube.

Nexium Side Effects

Most mutual Nexium side furnishings are mild. These include: Headache, diarrhea or nausea. Side effects in adults and children may be different.

Generally, most people tolerate the drug well. But Nexium may crusade more rare, but serious side effects.

Common Side Effects of Nexium

Common side effects of Nexium occurred in one% or more of patients in clinical trials. The safety and efficacy of Nexium was tested in more than 15,000 people, according to the drug'south Prescribing Data.

In clinical trials, less than i% of adults reported dyspepsia, or indigestion. Pediatric side effects tin can include fast, shallow breathing and vomiting.

Common side effects of Nexium include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Abnormal liver enzymes (in infants)
  • Abnormal rapid breathing (in infants)
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness or sleepiness (in children)
  • Dry mouth
  • Flatulence
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Regurgitation (in infants)

Nexium may cause other side effects than those listed here. If you feel side furnishings that are bothersome or don't go away, contact your medical provider correct away.

Serious Side Effects of Nexium

While most people tolerate Nexium well, information technology can cause serious side effects in some people. These include bone fractures, autoimmune issues and kidney bug.
Well-nigh of these side furnishings are rare. Make sure to talk to your medico correct away if you experience whatsoever of the following side furnishings.

Serious Nexium side effects may include:

  • Blisters or peeling pare
  • Blood in the urine
  • Bloody or watery stool
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Dizziness
  • Elevated liver enzymes
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Fever
  • Hives
  • Hoarseness
  • Hypersensitivity reactions (swelling, rashes, difficulty animate)
  • Increased or decreased urination
  • Increased risk of bone fracture
  • Increased risk of cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or worsening of existing affliction
  • Irregular claret cell count
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Itching
  • Jitteriness
  • Joint pain
  • Lightheadedness
  • Muscle cramps or weakness
  • Nausea or loss of appetite
  • Rash
  • Seizures
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Severe diarrhea with watery stools, tum pain, or fever that does not go away
  • Stomach polyps
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Vitamin B-12 deficiency

These serious side furnishings have been reported with Nexium through clinical studies listed on the drug's label. People have reported other serious side effects after Nexium was released on the market.

Reported mail-approval side effects include: Blurred vision, hepatitis and autoimmune bug. Because these are voluntary reports, scientists can't determine how often they happen or if they are definitively linked to Nexium. Read the drug'due south label for a complete list of postmarketing side effects.

Side Furnishings of Long-Term Nexium Use

When people apply Nexium brusk-term, its potential side furnishings are relatively mild. But studies have linked Nexium and other PPIs to several long-term health dangers, including kidney harm. Some people who suffered kidney problems have filed proton pump inhibitor lawsuits claiming drug makers didn't properly warn them of the risk.

At least ane study showed long-term use of Nexium and other PPIs could likewise increase the risk of decease. Not all these possible Nexium side furnishings show upwardly in the medicine'southward label.

Nexium should be used for the shortest fourth dimension period at the smallest effective dose. The FDA warns that patients should never accept Nexium 24HR for more than than xiv days at a time. And they should never accept more three 14-day courses in a year.

Chronic Kidney Disease & Harm
Several studies have linked long-term use of PPIs such as Nexium to chronic kidney illness (CKD) and astute kidney injury (AKI). The impairment may exist permanent. One 2021 written report in Hospital Pharmacy found people with CKD who discontinued PPIs didn't run across much positive change after one yr.

Stroke Risk
Some studies show an increased risk of ischemic stroke with PPI utilise. Yet, other studies don't show an increased stroke run a risk. For example, in one study researchers linked PPI use to a 21 percentage increased stroke risk. A 2021 report in Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine showed an increased risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in people who took PPIs.

Cardiovascular Disease
Long-term apply of PPIs including esomeprazole has been linked to cardiovascular disease. I 2021 study in Mayo Dispensary Proceedings found long-term PPI apply was associated with twice the risk of cardiovascular illness and centre failure.

Gastric Cancer
Some studies have found that PPIs may double the adventure of gastric cancer in some patients. But according to a 2021 study in Gut, although PPIs may increase the risk of gastric cancer compared to H2 blockers the chance is depression.

Make sure to speak to your medical provider nearly whether the benefits of taking Nexium long-term outweigh the risk of these serious side effects.

Some studies have shown intermittent use of PPIs instead of continuous long-term use may have some benefits and fewer risks.

Side Effects of Nexium Withdrawal

People who have been using Nexium for a long time may endure serious Nexium withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking it. Symptoms include heartburn, indigestion and regurgitation.

Nexium or PPI withdrawal is called rebound acrid hypersecretion (RAH). RAH occurs after a person stops taking a PPI and the tummy secretes more acid than it used to before the patient began taking Nexium. People who suffer from RAH may start using PPIs again to avoid symptoms.

Gradually lowering the Nexium dose over time instead of suddenly stopping treatment may help avoid RAH, according to a 2019 article published by Due northew Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority. Using other non-PPI medicines, such as H2 blockers or antacids, may assistance manage symptoms.

Precautions Earlier Taking Nexium

Nexium may not be rubber or constructive for everyone. Make certain you talk over the risks and benefits of the medicine with your medical provider before taking it.

If yous demand to, schedule an appointment with your medical provider. This will allow you to enquire questions about Nexium and other PPIs besides as requite your medical provider a complete listing of your medications and discuss your medical history.

Earlier taking Nexium, tell your medical provider:

  • About any medications you are allergic to, especially if you are allergic to whatsoever ingredient in esomeprazole or other PPIs.
  • If you are taking blood thinners, HIV medications, supplements, methotrexate, antifungal drugs or other medications that may react with Nexium. You lot may accept to suit your levels of medication.
  • If you are taking vitamins or supplements, including St. John'southward Wort. Yous may accept to stop taking some of them while taking Nexium.
  • If you lot are pregnant or program to get pregnant.
  • If you lot have autoimmune disease, liver affliction, depression vitamin B-12 levels, low magnesium or osteoporosis.

If yous have taken over-the-counter Nexium for longer and yous proceed to endure serious heartburn or chest hurting, wheezing, abdominal hurting, bloody stools, unexplained weight loss, vomiting and other serious symptoms. Y'all may take a more serious condition that OTC Nexium cannot care for.

Your physician may run some tests to determine if y'all take another affliction or recommend taking prescription Nexium.

Nexium Drug Interactions

Nexium drug interactions can affect how it or another drug performs. For case, some studies suggest taking PPIs with aspirin may weaken the effect of aspirin. This is important for people with eye problems who may take PPIs and depression dose aspirin.

Researchers in ane report in the European Journal of Infirmary Pharmacy looked at the medical records of 1,288 elderly patients who used multiple prescription medications. They found esomeprazole was prescribed about 65% of the time with at least one of 18 drugs that could cause a potentially astringent drug interaction.

To avoid drug interactions, patients should tell their doctor what drugs and supplements they are taking before using Nexium. Refer to the drug's prescribing data for a list of potential drug interactions.

When to Stop Taking Nexium

Patients shouldn't stop taking prescription Nexium before talking to their medical provider. Stopping medication suddenly may pb to Nexium withdrawal symptoms and could brand existing tum problems worse.

Many Nexium side effects are mild and may go abroad later on your body gets used to the medication. If you experience a serious side effect, such as an allergic reaction, seek emergency medical help immediately.

If you want to terminate taking Nexium, discuss your treatment goals with your doctor. Review the medicines you are currently taking and bank check to see if whatever are still necessary. Enquire your doc whether there are alternatives to taking PPIs, such every bit H2 blockers, antacids or lifestyle changes. Keep in mind that yous may need to see your doctor several times to reduce your dose.

FDA Warnings About Nexium

Since 2010, the FDA has released several warnings virtually Nexium side effects. These side effects or contraindications have been added to the warnings and precautions department of Nexium'due south drug label.

Past warnings have included: Bone fractures, low magnesium levels, clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, vitamin B12 deficiency, acute interstitial nephritis, potential fetal harm, and the risk of new or worsening lupus.

Most recently, the drug'due south label was inverse in October 2020 to warn that people taking rilpivirine-containing products shouldn't take Nexium. In November 2020, a warning was added about reports of astute tubulointerstitial nephritis (a type of kidney impairment) in patients taking PPIs.

Is Nexium Safe?

In general, Nexium is tolerated well by most patients and side effects are mild. All medications accept a risk of side furnishings, and so no medication can be 100% rubber for all people. While there is a risk of side furnishings, the benefits outweigh the risk for some patients.

Speak to your doctor about whether Nexium is safe for you. This may be based on the medications y'all are taking, your preexisting conditions and whether or non the benefit you may get from the medicine outweighs potential risks.

How Long Can You Take Nexium Otc

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